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What started out as a pastime soon turned into a hobby that turned into a passion until it eventually became a necessity. Reading is a need so beautiful that I feel I must write about it every day.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Interesting statistics

I am not particularly fond of numbers but I do like reading statistics. They usually reveal surprising facts... if you can call them facts, that is. For example Pakistan's government claims it's rural population's literacy rate to be 48%!

Well...we know better.

Did you know that between 2002-2010 there was a: 99% increase in books in the genre of Poetry and Drama? 89% increase in Fiction, while only 2% and 4% increase in Language and Travel books, respectively. I am happy with the statistics. While Drama and Fiction are my favorite genres, I couldn't care less about books on Travel and Language (some things are best left for real life experiences).

Which are your favorite genres? I'd love to know. :)


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