However, a recent conversation on Twitter made me think that for a majority of people escapism comes from the fantasy genre only. The success of Harry Potter and The Lord of the rings are prime examples in this case. Here's one bit:
Follower's tweet: i love d fantasy genre, takes ur mind off real life, the reason for reading books.
My reply: hmm im im nt into d fantasy genre.i need 2 b able to relate 2 the characters in d real world.
So my question to you, dear readers is: How can you relate to wizards who go to a school of wizardry, vampires who live for centuries, and hobbits who inhabit the lands of Middle-earth rather than characters rooted in the real world with actual human problems?
Maybe its a limitation of imagination on my part but when I read I need a strong sense of place. I need stories that are grounded in reality; in a fully real world. But that's just me. Feel free to differ.